A Guide to over 100 of Arizona's Richest Gold Districts
A detailed breakdown of gold bearing areas in Arizona, broken down by county and gold district.
General information about where to start looking for gold once you are in a known gold-bearing location!
A basic checklist of prospecting and camping gear to bring along when you venture into the hills!
10 "Quick-Tips" to help you in your search for gold!
A list of active gold prospecting clubs in Arizona, so you can meet fellow prospectors in your area!
This is an eBook, so it is delivered to your email as a printable PDF report at time of purchase. No waiting and no shipping charges!
Wait! Check out these Special Bundle Offers!
Get these 3 eBooks together for one great price!
Take advantage of our BEST offer yet!
Get these 6 eBooks together for one great price!
Gold Mining in the Arizona Desert - 90-page eBook that covers 100 known gold districts in the state of Arizona. Many California prospectors venture over to Arizona to find gold, as it is one of the best gold mining states in the U.S.
The Gold Prospector's Guide - 65-page eBook covers historic mining methods, basic and advanced prospecting techniques, how to located gold deposits, information about prospecting clubs throughout the U.S., and much more!
Metal Detecting for Gold - 68-page eBook covers in detail the different types of gold detectors, research tips for locating gold nuggets, how to properly setup and use your gold detector, important gear and accessories to own, target recovery tips, and much more! Due to the lack of water in many of Southern California's mining districts, metal detectors are a great way to search for gold nuggets here!
Lost Mines of the West - 38-page eBook that covers 21 of the most famous stories of lost gold and silver mines throughout the West!
13 Gems and Minerals You Can Find in the Desert Southwest - 40-page eBook that takes a look at 13 of the most highly valued gems and minerals that can be found throughout the Southwest. It covers minerals that can be found throughout Arizona, California, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, and Nevada.
Start Finding Gold! A Guide to Prospecting in New Mexico - 34-page eBook about where to finding gold throughout the state of New Mexico
*The Gold Mining in the Arizona Desert eBook will automatically be emailed to you as a printable PDF after purchase. No waiting and no shipping charges.
*This eBook has many documented locations where gold has been found in the Arizona. Please understand that many of these places may currently be on private lands, active mining areas, Indian Reservations or within areas of special regulations. It is the readers responsibility to ensure that they are in an area open to prospecting. This content of this eBook is for informational purposes only.
Highly Recommended Prospecting Books on Amazon:
The Gold Prospector's Field Guide:
A Modern Miner's Handbook for Successfully Finding Gold
Metal Detecting Gold Nuggets:
The Essential Guide to Finding Gold with a Metal Detector